
Apr 18, 2021

Visual Storytelling

Set priorities in a multitude of ideas.

How to face decision paralysis

You probably have been there: You and your team had a wonderful brainstorm with tons of ideas and then… the time has come to make a selection.
What criteria are you using to choose your battles: intuition, arguments, facts and figures,…?
There are many ways to do so. We selected two of them, and visualized with a template you can use next time you face decision paralysis.
The first one is a more emotional one. Put your ideas on the canvas depending on how much energy you get from the idea and what affinity you have with it?
The second canvas categorizes your idea based on the investment it requires and what impact or return you expect.
We hope they might inspire you to create your own matrix in Drawify. Combineshapes to create the grid, add relevant drawings and text to make it yours. And don’t forget to adjust the colors to make it fit your company’s look and feel.
We wish you a lot of inspiration!

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