
Apr 19, 2023


Diversity & Inclusion Maze

Template Visual Agile coach

Why use the Diversity & Inclusion Maze

You can’t be diverse or inclusive on your own – a team is a must.  A team of diverse talents, cultures, mindsets, backgrounds and experiences, that all feel included.

The team must define its own Diversity & Inclusion vision, commit to it and sustain it. 

Don’t outsource it to your C-suite or HR department (they are of course key Diversity & Inclusion stakeholders).

But first what is Diversity and Inclusion?

We asked the oracle of our times – @ChatGPT:

Diversity refers to the differences that exist among people, including but not limited to differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical ability, socio-economic status, and cultural background.

Inclusion, on the other hand, is the practice of creating a welcoming and supportive environment that values and respects these differences.

Together, diversity and inclusion involve recognizing and valuing the unique characteristics of individuals and groups, and promoting an environment that encourages participation and engagement from all members, regardless of their background or identity. This can include actively seeking out diverse perspectives and opinions, providing equal access to opportunities and resources, and creating a culture that celebrates and embraces differences.

When to create your Diversity & Inclusion Maze?

  • Your C-suite or HR department have told you to be more diverse and inclusive…but you want to own your own Diversity & Inclusion.
  • You feel that wearing rainbow lanyards and putting Diversity & Inclusion posters in the staff canteen isn’t good enough.
  • You want to boost the performance of your team by harnessing the power that a truly diverse and inclusive team culture and environment brings.

How to Create a Diversity & Inclusion Maze (with Drawify)

  1. Agree to be open, honest and welcoming of diverse perspectives and opinions!
  2. Current State Assessment - look for red flags:  Is it the same voice(s) in team meeting? Is psychological safety real or theoretical?  Does everyone have a degree?  These are just some of the red flags that may point to Diversity & Inclusion being a myth not a reality.
  3. Discovery: Discuss and agree what Diversity & Inclusion means to your team in your unique context.  Set out your Diversity & Inclusion vision.
  4. Implementation – plant the flag:  With the guidance of your teams Diversity & Inclusion vision set out what ‘good looks and feels like’ i.e. targets and / or outcomes.
  5. Complete the navigation of the Diversity & Inclusion Maze by agreeing actions to make the team’s Diversity & Inclusion targets and / or outcomes a reality.

Visual Agile Coaching Tips

  • Use the flags to highlight current Diversity & Inclusion issues and set out the future state.
  • Visuals are a great way to take the sting out of a difficult message when words both spoken and written can seem harsh (use for the red flags).
  • Use visuals to express your feelings and emotions, when words may be difficult to use.
  • Add the Diversity & Inclusion actions to the team’s backlog so that they don’t fall by the wayside

You’re ready to navigate the Diversity & Inclusion Maze guided by your team’s own Diversity & Inclusion vision.


Ben Walder and Olina Glindevi, The visual Gile coach

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