



Us this template to display the main agenda items or desired outcomes of your meeting as a simple set of images or text elements. Feel free to change the typewriter to something else more appropriate to your meeting.

Tags in this template meeting discussion planning plan schedule progress updates update priorities priority Action Items minutes


How to use this template

It's essential that everyone knows the purpose and desired outcomes of any meeting, and this template is a more visual alternative to sending your attendees a set of bullet points in the calendar invitation.

Start by adding one or more text elements on top of the image of the paper, and add the essential items of your agenda (or the desired outcomes). You might like to try adding images instead of (or as well as) text (e.g. an image of a lightbulb for an idea generation activity, or a short arrow to indicate a decision needs to be made). You can also change the image of the typewriter to something else that is more representative of what your meeting is about.

Once you have finished your design, you can export it as an image or a PDF file to use with your meeting invitation or documentation, and distribute it to the attendees in advance of the meeting. During the meeting, use the agenda as a guide to keep the conversation on track and ensure all important topics are discussed.


  • Increased engagement from seeing something new and visual
  • Improved productivity and efficiency in meetings
  • Increased accountability and ownership of action items
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration amongst team members

Less is more! The small-ish size of the 'page' area in this template forces you to focus on the essence of what your meeting needs to achieve (and let's face it, too many meetings try to achieve way too much in the time given!)

Customize the layout, content, and colors of this template, or swap elements for others to match your purpose.

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