

Emotional States with Change Diagram

Emotional States with Change Diagram

Use this template to help you and your team be more aware of the emotional states that employees or customers go through when faced with change, and how to help

Tags in this template change leadership leadership ex employee experience employees strategy change management change


How to use this template

Change is hard. Whether it's a change to a product that you've been using for ages, or changes to organization structure and process, there is a research-backed pattern to how we react and respond. Knowing this pattern in advance can help us be more creative, holistic, and human-centred about how we go about putting change on others, and plan accordingly.

This Emotional States with Change Diagram template is based on the Kübler-Ross Model (1969) of the five stages of grief. Use it as a way to educate yourself and your team about the states that people go through, and as a basis on which to organize idea generation, risk assessment and mitigation, and process improvement. Include it in a presentation, or use it as a way to structure a group conversation about how to address change, and make more informed decisions.


  • Improved self-awareness and ability to recognize emotional states
  • More effective communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Greater resilience and ability to manage change
  • Enhanced empathy and understanding of others' emotional experiences
  • Increased sense of empowerment and confidence in navigating life's challenges.

When using the Emotional States with Change Diagram template, focus on the specific emotions that may arise for both yourself and others during each stage of a change process, and use these insights to develop effective strategies for managing and addressing these emotions.

Customize the layout, content, and colors of this template, or swap elements for others to match your purpose.

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