

Brand Message House

Brand Message House

This template helps you formulate and communicate the main messages of the brand of your organisation, product, service, or campaign.

Tags in this template brand communication product service


How to use this template

A Brand Message House visual helps everyone to understand the brand and value proposition of your product, service, or organization, and acts as a guide and inspiration for ideas about communicating that brand and value proposition.

This template works well when either used as a group to collect thoughts and ideas, or as a visual summary presented back to the team or to other stakeholders. Start at the top of the 'house' and capture ideas about your purpose and promise: what is the overarching reason for this product/service/organization to exist? What promise are you making to your audience?

Next, capture benefits for specific audiences that come out of this purpose and promise. Often the benefits are about solving particular pain points that audiences face, so you might like to capture that too. Also, audiences need to know they can trust the claim that you're making about each benefit, so try to capture proof points, or reasons to believe the benefit is true.

Then, capture ideas about differentiators (what makes this different to your competition?) and key words and phrases to use and NOT use when talking about your product/service/organization, especially words that resonate with your audience(s).

Once you're done, this should be a great guide for all of your communication efforts, ensuring that your brand message is consistent, compelling, and memorable.


- Clear shared understanding about your organization's purpose, promise, benefits, and unique advantages
- More consistent communication across all departments and channels
- Identifying messaging gaps and areas of improvement
- Identifiying steps to take to increase brand recognition and awareness among target audiences
- Streamlining the creation and delivery of branded content


Before creating a Brand Message House template, thoroughly research and understand your target audience to ensure that your messaging resonates with them effectively.

Customize the layout, content, and colors of this template, or swap elements for others to match your purpose.

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