

User Persona - Graphical

User Persona - Graphical

This template helps you to distil, visualise and communicate the essential elements of a particular type of customer, user or stakeholder to focus on for design. This template has a more fun, playful feel.

Tags in this template persona personas archetype archetypes cx ux Design service design product design marketing


How to use this template

It's important for a whole team to have a shared accurate understanding of who their product or service is in service of. Personas (or archetypes) are a handy way to express this, but sometimes they have too much detail, or aren't very visually appealing.

This User Persona (Graphical) template helps you to capture the essence of the information about each persona/archetype needed to make decisions about a product/service strategy, features, marketing, and other aspects. Make one for each of your personas, and feel free to change up the colors and images to represent each persona in a fun, authentic, interesting way.


- Improved empathy and understanding within the design team for target users
- Better alignment between design decisions and user needs
- Increased likelihood of creating successful and relevant products
- Streamlined communication between stakeholders by using a visual aid
- Ability to make targeted design decisions based on specific user characteristics and behaviors


Feel free to adapt the two green panels for other types of information, such as goals, problems encountered, or significant moments in their journey/pathway (e.g. reaching the limit of storage in a cloud storage subscription account).

Customize the layout, content, and colors of this template, or swap elements for others to match your purpose.

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