Bikablo will run a meetup hosted by Drawify with the creation of a global image library on the topic of transformation.
Personal transformation and corporate change, digitalization or societal transition - hardly any visualizer does not deal with aspects of change. As many faces this topic has, as urgent is the need to give them a shape. As visual thinkers, we can invite reflection, dialogue and co-creation with appropriate image offerings.
This will be the Meetup:
- We collect together terms, aspects and situations of transformation from our respective professional fields.
- bikablo founder Martin Haussmann will give a methodical Iconize-it visualization input: How do I get from the dry concept to the right image idea?
- Drawing time! We grab the pen and give each other visual implementations of the submitted terms ...
- and thus obtain a comprehensive, intercultural image database.
Register for FREE!
December 20th at 4.30pm CET