Martine Vanremoortele

Honest and no-fringe

About Me

Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Martine. I live in Belgium and I’ve worked in many places—anywhere I could get to on a plane, train or in an automobile. These days, since I launched my company, Visual Harvesting, I work from my cozy home studio (ah, the comfort!). Before Visual Harvesting, I became thoroughly acquainted with the corporate, organizational and business operation sectors. Now, I combine these skills with my passion for drawing and my creativity to brighten up meeting rooms with colorful creations. Let’s talk color.







  • graphic recording
  • facilitation
  • training
  • storytelling
  • creative thinking
  • process design
What I offer

I’m known for inspiring people to use drawings in their business context. My training is not off the shelf, I start where people are and guide them step by step to their desired destination. I love to design workshops, large group processes, training… and to create accompanying visual tools.  And you can count on me to go from a ‘message’ to a compelling visual ‘story’.

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